Join Lab/Shul on our annual Elul journey into the new Jewish year with 40 daily communally co-created online inspirations to help us begin the year with more focus, presence and trust.

Aug. 18th – Sept. 25th, 2023

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What do you trust in? How can we build more trust among each other towards a more perfect union and more hopeful, healthy lives for all? Can you reimagine the official US motto in a way that makes most meaningful sense to you, and to more of us?

Our theme this year is HAVAYA/Everpresence, exploring this ancient Jewish mystical concept that names the divine as a metaphor for existence, the life-force that animates our sense of time and space. Whatever we believe in or however we find solace, sanctity and sanctuary in the world – can this concept help us, as individuals and as collectives cultivate more care, gain more trust, be ever more present, help co-create a healthier and happier reality for all?

Here’s where you come in – we invite you to wrestle with this idea – and to share what YOU believe in – is it morning coffee? humanity’s good nature? the stars?

As is our annual tradition, we invite you to join us for 40 days of preparation and reflection into the new year, as we’ll be co-creating a series of images that re-imagine the US Motto – In ______ do you trust??”

We’ll begin this journey of exploration on August 18th – the first day of the month of Elul. Each day, starting 8/18 and ending on Yom Kippur, 9/25, we’ll post one photo+short text submitted by YOU – Lab/Shul Partners and global community members.

Here’s how we’ll do this, and how you can participate:

  1. Use this printable sign to write in your answer, snap a picture, write a short paragraph about your choice, and send it in to us using this form. You can also create your own sign and share with us!

  2. Check out our daily offerings on our social media and here on our website. You can also subscribe to get them in your inbox, for 40 days.

  3. View the entire collection on display at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center as an ongoing gallery during the High Holy Days–attendees will be able to create new versions right on the spot. We’ll be talking about your choices on Yom Kippur – exploring, together, what it means to rebuild trust and re-imagine the sacred.

Have questions? Reach out to

We can’t do it without you!
Print out your sign, fill it out, and share with us using the links below.




Check back here, on substack, or follow @labshul on Instagram for daily inspiration, beginning August 18th.

“Abundance is offering people the opportunity to step into something together.“
-Serena Adlerstein, Co-Founder, Never Again Action

Financially supporting one’s spiritual community during this time is considered to be a deeply holy act that fosters a sense of shared responsibility and unity. It is a reminder of our interconnectedness and that we are not in this alone.

Thank you for your investment in our beloved community!